Operations on Data and Java Library
Operations on Data 1) (byte, short, int, char) + (byte, short, int, char) => int 2) (byte, short, int, long, char) + long => long 3) (byte, short, int, long, float, char) + float => float 4) (byte, short, int, long, float, double, char) + double => double Note: Operations cannot be performed on boolean types. Java Library Java library organised in the form of packages. A package is a collection of sub packages, classes & interfaces. java.lang package is a default package and it is implicitly imported in every java program. Java Notations: 1) Package & Sub Package: All small letters and sub packages are separated with dot(.) symbol. 2) Class & Interface: Each word first letter is capital and no space between words. 3) Variable & Method: Second word on wards first letter is capital and no space between words. Interface in Java An interface in Java is a blueprint of a class. It has static constants and abstract methods. The interfac...